Indifference was the world’s first reaction to Karl Marx’s magnum opus. In 1867, when the first volume of “Capital” was ...
Instead of allowing the Right to dominate discussions of patriotism, socialists should emulate past successful left projects ...
Partnered with Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels is acknowledged as the co-founder of communism, a revolutionary thinker in his own right who wrote on a wide range of topics, from economics to history ...
The new decision to approve a medical waste facility near St Ives, over-riding two years of community opposition and ignoring serious ecological concerns, exposes Labour’s hollow rhetoric on the ...
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels especially coopted the idea. Two things, however, must be noted. First, Progressivism very well might not have succeeded without the scientific idea of evolution re ...
No matter how many decades pass since Karl Marx’s Capital was first published, and no matter how often it is dismissed as ...
People made decisions they knew risked working-class lives, and they were happy to do so because they considered those lives ...
At a Capitol event, conservative Utahns hailed the removal of 13 titles from state public schools as a “stand against evil” ...
Usually associated with soccer, pop music and industrial heritage, Manchester may seem an unlikely destination for ...
Friedrich Engels wrote about squalid conditions in Manchester's 19th Century slums A luxury penthouse flat has apparently been named after one of history's most famous communists. The £2.5m ...
In recent weeks, Kamala Harris has been called a fascist, a Marxist, a communist and a socialist. You don’t need to know the ...
What a torch of reason ceased to burn, What a heart has ceased to beat! [1] On August 5 (new style), 1895, Frederick Engels died in London. After his friend Karl Marx (who died in 1883), Engels ...