EPW consults referees from a database of 200+ academicians in different fields of the social sciences on papers that are ...
Fighting Free to Become Unfree Again: The Social History of Bondage and Neo-Bondage of Labour in India by Jan Breman, New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2023; pp 220, ₹950. The EPW produces independent and ...
Despite policies aimed at reducing child marriage, the practice persists. Using data from the National Family Health Survey-5 (2019–21), we explore whether young women aged 15–29 who marry in ...
This paper examines the impacts of the Kanyashree Prakalpa programme, a conditional cash transfer programme on curbing child marriages and adolescent pregnancies in West Bengal. Using the three recent ...
The region is known for its contested social and political history, and ethnic demands for autonomy, homeland, recognition, and accommodation. In contrast to the popular perception of virulent ethnic ...
This study examines the relationship between women’s empowerment and economic growth, utilising data from the National Family Health Surveys spanning from 2006 to 2021. Our findings reveal: (i) a ...
Consumption of iron and folic acid supplements is critical for preventing and treating anaemia among pregnant women in India. This paper analyses two rounds of the National Family Health Survey ...
Your Support will ensure EPW’s financial viability and sustainability. The EPW produces independent and public-spirited scholarship and analyses of contemporary affairs every week. EPW is one of the ...
That India’s fiscal federalism suffers from a lack of critical analysis of local finance based on relevant and reliable data is widely acknowledged. The last five union finance commissions and several ...
Sri Lanka is scheduled to hold its presidential elections. This is the first election after the 2022 debt crisis and the mass street protests which ousted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. This election ...
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, after an 11-year gap, released the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022–23. The new source of data is the basic starting point for a ...