Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have seen widespread adoption due to the public availability of both simple ...
Much progress has been made in diabetes technology over the past decade. Continuous glucose monitoring has achieved high accuracy and reliability resulting in increased usage worldwide. Likewise, ...
RNA viruses are among the most significant pathogens affecting human health, responsible for diseases ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndromes. Similarly, DNA viruses, ...
The transition towards a circular economy is a top priority for the sustainable management of soil, water, and food systems.
As the fields of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology continue to advance, they are poised to revolutionize our ...
Keywords: Endocrine Dysregulation, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Progression, Immune-Metabolic Interactions, Chronic Inflammation, Signaling Pathways, Precision Medicine, Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
The intricate relationship between nutrition and mental health has garnered significant attention in recent years. Emerging ...
The root and tuber crops mainly include sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, and taros, etc. The product organs of these types of crops are roots and tubers. They have high yields and wide adaptability, ...
Within veterinary medicine, equine research has experienced substantial growth in recent years. This trend is largely due to ...