Although Israel has said that 14,000 to 16,000 Gazan noncombatants had been killed as of mid-May, the U.S. government said that the Jewish state killed "tens of thousands" through April.
A billboard in Los Angeles associated with the nonprofit JewBelong, aiming to teach the public about antisemitism. Two prominent pro-Hamas groups face legal action following a June 23 demonstration in ...
The United Nations, USAID’s partner in aid delivery, admitted that its claims of famine in Gaza are not data-based.
It's not so much clumsiness as another example of how the Biden administration is getting its information on events in Judea and Samaria from anti-Israel NGOs.
The DSA’s June 23 endorsement of AOC was conditioned on her opposing all funding to Israel (including for the Iron Dome), Supporting BDS (goes without saying), showing up at all the DSA meetings, and, ...
In America, where he arrived from Europe in 1941, mitzvah observance had become moribund, increasingly disconnected from the modern world. The Rebbe reversed this trend by demanding more Torah, more J ...
While all men are created equal, as the American Declaration of Independence put it, based upon the biblical, Judeo-Christian origins of the American Revolution, it is not possible to achieve equality ...
Rabbi Dov Lando, 94, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Slabodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak and a member of the directorate of the Board of Yeshivas, who is considered to be the spiritual leader of the Lithuanian ...
Almog Meir Jan is suing the People Media Project for materially supporting the Hamas operative who imprisoned him.
Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz is a writer, advocate, non-profit veteran, and co-founder of JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community for Orthodox midlife women.
The presentation of the operational inquiry regarding the battle at Kibbutz Be’eri was completed today (Thursday). The findings were presented to the members of the Be’eri community, the families of ...
Despite our reputation as a stiff-necked, recalcitrant nation, the Children of Israel typically rise beyond the ordinary to provide comfort and sustenance for one another, especially in times of uncer ...