What is the shortest route to the next stop or the agreed meeting point? Global positioning systems (GPS) have become a routine part of everyday life for most people. Until now, however, the minimum ...
Scientists have identified and demonstrated a method to process a plant-based material called nanocellulose that reduced energy needs by a whopping 21%, using simulations on the lab's supercomputers ...
New research finds that 12 weeks of low-impact exercise classes reduced daily episodes of urinary incontinence by more than half.
Scientists found that certain changes in neural activity predicted which patients would benefit from a type of cognitive behavioral therapy.
A widely used disinfectant worldwide, chloroxylenol, has been associated with eco-toxicological threats in water environments due to its relatively high chemical stability and massive consumption.
Research discovered a unique and promising avenue for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD) earlier -- by analyzing AD biomarkers in blood -- so that the impacts of dementia can be reduced. The ...
A cancer study found that certain gut bacteria may influence whether or not a patient's immune system is successful in fighting mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer.
Conservation efforts directed towards just 0.7% of the world's land mass could help protect one third of the world's threatened and unique tetrapod (four-limbed vertebrate) species.
A diverse and abundant flower planting that provides flowers in bloom all season may be more important to bees and other pollinators than whatever is surrounding the flower garden, according to a new ...
A study investigated the origin of ataxia in the brain of patients with stroke. A significant number of the stroke lesions in the patients were located outside the cerebellum.
Researchers have uncovered how hormones profoundly affect our immune systems, explaining why men and women are affected by diseases differently.
Researchers found that flooded rice fields tend to have higher amounts of arsenic and lower amounts of cadmium while drier rice fields have lower amounts of arsenic and higher amounts of cadmium. The ...