Ursula von der Leyen announced an ambitious restructuring of her European Commission, adopting some of former European ...
Explores how the Draghi's report on competitiveness dismisses tokenization as a part of the solution. Europe must consider ...
But perhaps even more notable was the backing of Europe’s Fortune 500 companies.
Today, however, the reliance on traditional industries leaves Germany vulnerable. In other countries digital innovation ...
Mario Draghi's call last week for a revamp of Europe's tough pro-competition policy rules prompted much speculation that the ...
Following the trail of the U.S. will require more government intervention in industrial and trade policy.
Former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s proposal to strengthen European Union’s competitiveness by taking on ...
And we’re on its side in the accelerating battle against lies, misinformation and disinformation. The Conversation brings the ...
A report authored by a leading Italian politician offers ideas for making the EU as economically competitive as the United ...
Shipping will need around $40bn a year over two decades to build supply chains for alternative fuels if the European Union is ...
Mario Draghi recently arrived at Palazzo Chigi for a meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The meeting was organized by ...
Mario Draghi's competitiveness report urges the EU to invest €750-800bn annually to close the economic gap with the US and ...