Making the EU more competitive has become its obsession. No one knows if that’s achievable ― or whether other policies will ...
Fixing the EU’s flagging economy will require it to reconsider key elements What ails Europe? The European Union’s gross ...
A final report by the UN's high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence makes for, at times, a surreal read. Named ...
Teresa Ribera, Europe's upcoming antitrust chief, aims to ease competition laws to bolster European industries and expedite ...
Leading technology executives, including Meta's Mark Zuckerberg, Spotify's Daniel Ek, and Stripe's Patrick Collison, have ...
F or a sense of what Europeans fret about, look at the job titles given to European commissioners in Brussels. Five years ago ...
And we’re on its side in the accelerating battle against lies, misinformation and disinformation. The Conversation brings the ...
Shipping will need around $40bn a year over two decades to build supply chains for alternative fuels if the European Union is ...
Mario Draghi outlined his plan to improve Europe’s competitiveness through closer cooperation in critical areas and ...
ROME, SEP 18 - Last week, the long anticipated report of former Italian Prime Minister and former European Central Bank boss ...
A report on the “future of European competitiveness” has been received as a declaration of continental intent. Whether it can ...
Mario Draghi has sparked a conversation on increasing the EU's borrowing programme, but one about repayment needs to come ...