Medical debt is a growing burden for millions of people around the country, from parents in Illinois to immigrants in ...
Colorado stands out among the 10 states that have disenrolled the highest share of Medicaid beneficiaries since the U.S.
Jonna Tallant has spent a small fortune on TMJ treatment over three decades, but remains in agony and is unable to eat solid ...
Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News’ weekly health policy news podcast, “What the Health?” A noted expert on health policy issues, Julie is the author of the ...
Editorial writers tackle H5N1, clinical trial diversity, and addiction.
CIDRAP looks at a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which assessed how FEMA estimated spending from January 2020 to March 2024. Also in the news: Michigan's bird flu response ...
A report in Stat says that some "dietitian-approved" meals that are being delivered to homes of seriously ill people are actually salty and packed with fat, throwing their "medically-tailored" label ...
In a letter to a group hoping to amend the state Constitution to allow the procedure up to 18 weeks of pregnancy, the state said the "petition is insufficient on its face for failure to obtain the ...
The bulk of heat-related deaths are in California and Oregon, states that have seen a string of triple-digit temperatures. Meanwhile in Texas, where Hurricane Beryl blew through, officials have opened ...
A person familiar with the investigation who asked not to be named said the complaint is still being drafted but could be filed this month, the Los Angeles Times reported. In other pharmaceutical news ...
The military branch has lost 24 of its own to suicide in just the first quarter this year, Pentagon data show. Other military news is on retirement and disability benefits, death benefits for family ...
A new study illuminates the pathway that lupus follows as it develops, with abnormalities in sufferers' immune systems as a root cause. Also in the news, an AI disease diagnosis startup, and ...