In addition, warships of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China and the Russian Navy will hold a joint naval patrol in the Pacific Ocean. Also, the Chinese military will take part in the Ocean ...
Saudi Arabia is the largest importer of Russian barley with deliveries having exceeded 1.7 mln tons, according to the report ...
Russia’s stock market went up as Monday trading opened on Moscow Exchange as the MOEX Index added 0.72% to 2,642.31 points, while the RTS Index gained 0.72% to 926.7 points, according to trading data ...
The Russian leader noted that relations between the two countries remain at a high level, which was fully confirmed by the recent substantial and fruitful talks in Pyongyang ...
The Bank of Russia carries out purchase and sale operations on the domestic market in the currency section of the Moscow Exchange in the yuan-ruble instrument ...