Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have seen widespread adoption due to the public availability of both simple ...
Much progress has been made in diabetes technology over the past decade. Continuous glucose monitoring has achieved high accuracy and reliability resulting in increased usage worldwide. Likewise, ...
RNA viruses are among the most significant pathogens affecting human health, responsible for diseases ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndromes. Similarly, DNA viruses, ...
Keywords: Endocrine Dysregulation, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer Progression, Immune-Metabolic Interactions, Chronic Inflammation, Signaling Pathways, Precision Medicine, Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
The root and tuber crops mainly include sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, and taros, etc. The product organs of these types of crops are roots and tubers. They have high yields and wide adaptability, ...
Genome assembly methods usually overlook the variations among homologous chromosomes, producing the assembly of a pseudo-haploid sequence. As genome research developing, it is found that a single ...
Keywords: Dentine Hypersensitivity, Tooth Wear, erosion, abrasion, attrition, prevalence, diagnosis, prevention, risk factors, management Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must ...
The increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, driven by both emerging and re-emerging pathogens, presents a significant global health challenge. The efficacy of traditional antimicrobial therapies ...
Seed development and grain filling in crops are complex processes influenced by a variety of genetic, environmental, and metabolic factors, all of which interact to determine grain yield and quality.
The Non-Neuronal Cells section in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience is delighted to present the ‘Reviews in’ series of article collections. Reviews in Non-Neuronal Cells will publish high-quality ...