Former President Trump mocks Biden after Biden accidentally said his vice president was Trump. Biden fires back: One’s a ...
Rep. Brad Schneider publicly calls on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, says it is “time to pass the torch”.
Due to a mistake, the US imposed sanctions on Aviad Sarid from Revava, whose name is similar to one of the Tzav 9 leaders.
Vandals broke into a synagogue in the Russian city of Obninsk on Wednesday and caused a fire in the synagogue's electrical ...
State Department announces a wave of sanctions against allegedly extremist Israelis and organizations in Judea and Samaria ...
In Memory of our beloved David Schwartz, who fell in battle sanctifying God’s name, on 27 Tevet, 5784 (8 January 2024).
When existential circumstances are involved, no nation’s leaders should be expected to cave in to someone else’s interests.
It turns out that Rashi and Nachmanides are not arguing about Moses' misstep with the rock. They were both right ...
US President Joe Biden's team has rejected former US President Donald Trump's proposal to hold a golf match between the ...
Our Parasha opens with the Mitzvah of the red cow:(19:1-2): ’Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aaron, saying:This is חוקת : the ...
Someone once said that you don’t understand politics until you’ve been defeated; then all the mysteries become apparent.
US Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) led a bipartisan letter signed by 28 Members of Congress ...