When Chekov, Spock, Lt. Gallway, McCoy, Kirk, and Scotty beam down to resupply the experimental colony on Gamma Hydra 4, they initially find no one home. They see the leader, Robert Johnson, and his ...
Amidst a wave of non-compete bans sweeping California, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Minnesota and, most recently, the nation via ...
All empires eventually decline. For decades, Delaware has held the crown as the premier state of incorporation for domestic ...
State involvement in commercial transactions continues to increase and remains an area of distinct legal risk for commercial ...
A federal court in the Eastern District of Texas halted enforcement of the salary threshold increases following challenges to ...
The increased use of generative AI has prompted concern across the United States, leading states to hurriedly craft laws ...
From family farms and businesses to established agribusinesses to emerging ag tech companies, a new federal law requires ...
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo upended decades of precedent that required courts ...
Discovering after the trade date that a syndicated secondary loan trade is subject to a lock-up agreement can result in legal ...
Congratulations! You made it to summer, that wonderful time of year when things at work (hopefully) slow down a bit and ...
The traditional approach to resolving legal disagreements through courtroom litigation often proves to be lengthy, costly, ...
We recently hosted our 3rd annual AI Health Law & Policy Summit in Washington, DC where government and industry ...