Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to increase the size of his country's military by 180,000 troops to 1.5 ...
A Japanese official has stressed at the International Atomic Energy Agency's annual conference that the treated and diluted ...
Prosecutors in Florida have laid charges in what they say was a second attempt to assassinate former US President Donald ...
The Japan-set historical drama "Shogun" has won the top prize for Outstanding Drama Series at the 76th Emmy Awards in the US.
A zoo in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo, has celebrated the long life of a wallaby on Respect for the Aged Day.
A railway operator in Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan, has started running a new train service to educate people about the ...
North Korea says it will call a key parliamentary meeting next month to discuss amending the Constitution. Our site uses ...
One of Japan's most famous Buddhist temples plans to raise its admission fees to cover the growing costs of management and ...
US law enforcement is investigating an incident near a golf course as a possible assassination attempt against former ...
A Tokyo zoo says it has managed to breed an endangered rhinoceros, marking the facility's first such success in 50 years.
アメリカのトランプ前大統領がゴルフをしていた場所の近くで銃を所持していたとして拘束された男は、現場付近におよそ12時間前からいた疑いがあることが分かりました。捜査当局は男を銃の不法所持の疑いで訴追するとともに暗殺未遂事件の可能性があるとして調べていま ...