The universe might be teeming with microscopic black holes the size of an atom but with the mass of a city-sized asteroid, scientists say.
Scientists say microscopic black holes could explain the elusive "dark matter" that makes up a quarter of all matter in the ...
NASA reported on September 14, 2024, that asteroid 2024 RN16 passed close to the Earth. However, the netizens were ...
Leonid meteor showers will be visible starting about 11 p.m., with the best displays expected just before dawn and peak on ...
The gigantic asteroid 2024 ON, about the size of a blue whale, will fly close to Earth next Tuesday, missing our planet by ...
There are a slew of ways that life on Earth could come to an end, but a giant asteroid smashing into the planet, wiping out ...
If disaster movies have taught us anything, it’s that when a world-ending asteroid is barreling towards Earth, not only will ...
NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick shared footage taken from the International Space Station capturing the reflection of auroras ...
We got pretty lucky on Wednesday, Sept. 4 with an asteroid that no one, not NASA, not the European Space Agency (ESA), no one saw coming until eight hours ...
Video posted to social media shows an asteroid, discovered on Wednesday, harmlessly burning up in Earth's atmosphere the same day, NASA said. The asteroid — about 3 feet across — was spotted ...
NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick captures a bright green meteor explosion in a new video. Dominick shared the timelapse on X, where he discussed it with friends who identified it as a bolide.