The Democratic Party of Korea and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party will announce the results of the unification of candidates for the Busan Geumjeong-gu District ...
Han Dong-hoon, the representative of the People's Power, will hold a dinner meeting today (6th) with lawmakers who supported him in the face of the July 23 ...
The AP reports that the vaccination against M.Fox has begun in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the epicenter of the variant M.Fox epidemic.The ...
The first official competition for Netmarble's action game 'Only I Level Up: Rise' was held.The competition, held today at the "Vita 500 Coliseum" in Jamsil, ...
Around 7 p.m. today (5th), a light vehicle, a tractor, and a tow truck collided one after another on the road in Haseo-myeon, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do.A man in ...
Women's volleyball Jung Kwan-jang and Hyundai Engineering & Construction will face off for the cup championship cup again for ...
미국 연방수사국(FBI)과 국토안보부(DHS)가 현지시간 4일 팔레스타인 무장정파 하마스의 이스라엘 기습 공격 1년째를 맞아 테러와 증오범죄 경보를 발령했습니다. FBI와 DHS는 가자전쟁을 촉발한 공격이 일어난 지 오는 ...
It has been confirmed that the U.S. Air Force's strategic bomber B-1B "Lancer," which appeared at the Armed Forces Day event, ...
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a terror and hate crime ...
Cyber-attacks linked to the Chinese government have infiltrated several networks of U.S. telecommunications companies, possibly allowing hackers to gain ...
국내 주유소 휘발유와 경유 가격이 10주째 내렸습니다. 리터당 휘발유 가격은 33주 만에 1,500원대로 내려왔는데요. 지난달 1%대로 내려온 물가 둔화세에 힘이 실릴 소식이지만, 중동발 유가 강세가 변수로 꼽힙니다. 이형원 기자입니다. [기자] 전국 주유소 기름값은 계속 내림세입니다. 10주 연속 떨어지면서 휘발유 평균 판매가는 1,587원까지 내려왔습니 ...
Anchor] There are many places where autumn flowers bloom beautifully these days.Various autumn flowers are in full bloom ...